My Knitting Life

Currently knitting…

Work, work, work…it’s so busy. Some days I don’t knit at all when I get home. BUT, I have been working on a few things.

What’s up? Right now I am knitting the Waterrock Vest in the Pantone 2023 Color of the Year using Knit One Crochet Too’s Sebago in Magenta. This color choice was just a happy accident, lest you think I am in-the-know about such things; I bought the yarn a few days before the color was announced. Below shows my progress; I’m almost to the armholes.

Vests are under-utilized in wardrobes, especially by knitters. They’re fast because they are sleeveless, and they work with lots of clothing we already possess. More vests, please!

The next object I’ve been knitting is the Easy Folded Poncho except I have a problem, which is, I bought the wrong yarn. It’s Knit Picks City Tweed DK, a nice mix of fibers, but 25% Alpaca. The problem is that I think I’m allergic to alpaca. I can wear it, but when I knit with it, I get congested and sneezy. Even this 25% is bothering me. Does this happen to anyone else? So, I’m going to finish but can only knit about 30 rows per week. Totally my bad for not remembering!

For those of us in the north (or Rocky Mountains, as the case may be), this is the best time for knitting all year! It’s freezing outside, snow is falling and blowing, and here we all sit, happily knitting and relaxing!

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